W RUGBY Partners with SOS Kit Aid


W RUGBY are excited to announce an important new partnership with SOS Kit Aid to deliver brand new rugby balls to clubs, schools and communities around the world who struggle to raise funds for rugby equipment.

SOS Kit Aid, supported by World Rugby, has distributed recycled rugby kit and equipment to 44 countries for the past 20 years. Over $10m (£6m GBP) worth of rugby kit has been provided so far, across 700 deliveries to countries in Eastern Europe, South America, Pacific Islands and the UK, and W RUGBY are keen to start contributing.

With help from key rugby organisations like the WRU, RFU, Scottish and Irish Rugby, as well as local schools and clubs, SOS Kit Aid recycle used kit and equipment, which not only helps the grassroots clubs themselves, but environmentally reduces waste.

Together with SOS Kit Aid and our very own Project: Won for Won, we will be donating brand new rugby balls to young rugby kids around the world.

SOS Kit aid recycle Rugby jerseys, socks, boots, protective gear and rugby equipment, but rugby balls are an area of concern.

“Whilst we donate used rugby kit from schools and clubs, one thing that doesn’t recycle well is old rugby balls,” said John Broadfoot, founder and CEO of SOS Kit Aid. “Old rugby balls have difficulty inflating and have worn grip which makes the game much less enjoyable for children. By partnering with W RUGBY, we are able to provide brand new, fit-for-purpose rugby balls that help kids around the world to love the game they play."

W RUGBY have committed to donating at least 300 Academy training balls over the coming months, as well as rugby balls matched from our Project: Won for Won initiative. So, for every ball you buy, we equal our donation and, together with SOS Kit aid, ensure a grassroots rugby club has access to brand new rugby balls.

W RUGBY founders Dovy Cornerford and Andy Lewis said, “Establishing a partnership with a well-established charity such as SOS Kit Aid that has already done so much for the rugby community around the world will help us take Project: Won for Won to the next level. It means we can have a greater positive impact on young people playing rugby globally, giving back to grassroots where it's needed most.”

If you are a rugby club who struggles to raise funds for rugby equipment, join Project: Won for Won here. For those who want to help grassroots grow, get yourself a brilliant new W RUGBY ball; and we’ll ensure a second ball will be making its way to young rugby players around the world.  


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